C3 Episode 96 Unedited Transcript Part 2

Pimp Daddy 3000
Well I think that we're done I mean I think we are coming to a close with respect to septa and octogenarians running the government on both sides of the aisle I think that people are circling the wagons with this. Stupid dark Brandon Meme I don't know if you guys have seen that but they're trying to make Joe Biden out to be oh well, he's actually acting stupid but he's actually the man it's just so dumb. It's like you people truly truly have lost touch with reality because the only reason they're behind him is because he's on their side supposedly but he's not. Is with what the funny part is is Joe Biden is not on any one side. He's always gone ah with he's always gone with whichever political wind was blowing at the at the particular time you just you look at his career. He's always been that way but ah back to my point I think that we're going to start getting young blood in office on both sides. It's happening a little bit already. You know aoc I don't know how old Liz Cheney is she's got to be in her fifty s I guess but that's that's you know, 20 years younger than 73 right? Ah, you know you got Ron Desantis who's younger than me I think he might be younger than everyone on this podcast. But.
Pimp Daddy 3000
On both sides I think we're getting really tired of of these people who are you know almost I mean Joe Biden's damn near the greatest generation I mean it's it's getting crazy out there so Roger I think you know where I'm going with this when I ask you this when to switch gears on you a little bit. So. I know that you've dabbled in counterintelligence a little bit in your career. So let's say that you are counterintellence. Ah, those of you watching Youtube is perfect. Perfect. He's put on his c I hat he's put on a spy hat. So let's say that you are ah a diligent counterintelligent special agent and something comes across your desk somebody reports something they call one eight hundred call spy and something that's a real thing folks one eight hundred call spy at least it used to be um so you get a tipper. On call spy and they say something to the effect of hey there's an ethnic russian in my unit. He's got a secret clearance and he's been upset at some recent policies that have come down from do d. And I know that he speaks russian he's often on the phone with his family back in Russia I'm very suspicious of this person and so you take that and you see maybe 2 indicators. Maybe maybe 2 indicators of espionage.
Pimp Daddy 3000
But you look at that and you're like yeah, it's not really meeting the threshold. But what I'm going to do is I'm going to go out I'm going to recruit somebody to go talk to this person and what I'm going to do with this person I recruit to go talk to this person is convince him. I'm gonna see just how willing to spy this person really is so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take my recruit and I'm going to plant ideas in his head hey you know you really, you don't like this policy. Do you? You hate it. Don't you think that you should. Do something about that. It's not fair that the government is doing that to you. You need to get back at the government and what you do with the person you recruited who is now your asset running against the person with 2 the russian the ethnic russian with 2 indicators is you're convincing this person to spy. Ah, the United States of America is that something you would do as a ah counterintelligent special agent or do you see something wrong with that like convincing someone.
Pimp Daddy 3000
Ah, to spy when that with that with what they weren't going to do it I mean they had a couple indicators. They were upset their ethnic Russia and they call back to their family in Russia every once in a while but should you convince that person to spy.
I Guess it would depend on what point my career I was and if I thought that it was going to help me get promoted and I had no other cases under my belt I might continue if I had a certain narrative that I wanted to push right? I might I might go down that road.
Pimp Daddy 3000
Oh my? ah.
Luke is talking about and it's not even I think it's even worse now because I think you're being kind with the indicators because and and Luke is talking about the the whitmer case the kidnapping case Tucker Carlson did a pretty good rundown yesterday.
Pimp Daddy 3000
I Yeah I Am you're right.
And he I I was telling the the fellows earlier is like I wish we could just print out the transcript and read it those that had not seen it or or what have you? Maybe we'll post the transcript up on our page because it was a really really good rundown now I didn't go fact, check everything I did go do some gurgling and. There are a couple things that were a little bit off here and there from local reporting versus what he put on there but it it was pretty close. Long story short. It's exactly what Luke just said the Fbi. They even created some of the Facebook groups right? They created some of the Facebook groups. They had a guy. I think that was it was Adam Fox I think who was the former Usps truck driver who made the mail truck driver who made like $60000 a year. What have you but you had a lot of folks there and there were several groups I think there were some 2 a for michigan and and freedom fighters three percenters or or whatever it was. But you had a lot of people that were like hey we just want. We want our republic back and again from what I heard on tucker carlson and what I was able to read and some of the other local reporting because this is this is going to trial right now and it's been going to trial for a while there was no intended violence. There. There was no, we're going to go kidnap her. We're going to go blow the place up or those were all ideas that the fbi put in their heads and it's it's totally intrepment and I'll tell you this so there were when you look at those that were being charged so you had adam fox
Conspiracy to kidnap conspiracy to use weapons of mass destruction barryroft. Also in addition to conspiracy to kidnap and the conspiracy use weapon of mass destruction. He had possession of unregistered destructive device. Maybe Luke can fill us in on on what that is then you had Daniel Harris who in addition to those charges had possession of rifle with barrel less than sixteen inches and then in addition to all that you had Brandon Casseritta who had just the kidnapping 2 others were found guilty ty garbin and Caleb Franks which they got to feel dumb now right? They got to feel bad. Because they pled guilty because they thought they were going to be convicted and get a reduced sentence which I think they're still waiting on well Adam Fox and Barry Craft had a mistrial the first time the other 2 guys Daniel Harris and Brandon Cassarita they were found not guilty they were found not guilty the jury said no this is entrepment because it's exactly what Luke was it was a bunch of concerned citizens and it actually made me think about our podcast and us 3 I mean thank god we have a podcast. Maybe it's it's out there in the public. So everybody sees it. But it's 3 people 4 people 5 people that are sitting there that are like hey you know, kind of concerned man. The direction. Our country is going. What can we do. And for us and Luke brought this up with last episode we we encourage people to get involved legally vote right? if you want to go out there and legally protest legally protest get out there and vote express your opinions as a constituent that type of stuff campaign for somebody. What have you and these folks here and.
By all everything I've read one of the guys I think maybe it was barryroft was like living in the basement of some laundromat I mean this is a poor dude right? and all a sudden they were like giving him all the Fbi giving him all this money hey you need to go buy some weapons in ammo.
Pimp Daddy 3000
Giving him credit cards. That's what the that's what the asset was doing was giving him credit cards provided by the Fbi with instructions to buy weapons with him what the hell dude.
Yeah, and he was like no he said no like I think they had like 5 different occasions or like you need to go buy weapons and ammo and go target shoot. He's like now not really my thing. No no, no, no, you really need to go by is like dude. It's not really my thing right. So you've got these 2 people of course Ty and Caleb or they took the plea deals so they'd get up there and like oh yeah, these people and they were so far removed down that you just never know what they actually received and as far as what their perception was but as far as what it looks like with Adam Fox Barry Crof and definitely Daniel and Brandon. They didn't have anything to do with it and now they're to this point where you had a mistrial on the first two we're going to post this we we definitely need to post a transcript up there I want to ask Josh because to me it's this is the bigger problem with all this like how do you solve this. The Fbi is at a low point and and um, this is my own my own view as far as like trust and respect throughout the community throughout the country they're at the lowest place that I can remember since I've been alive I know there were times before that and obviously some other issues or what have you? but even when you talk. Listen to Tucker Carlson and some of his rhetoric like you know I don't always buynd everything that tucker says but like this kind of makes sense and right now I mean the Fbi is looking like the enemy of the people and you can tie this in to to mar lago you could type in him to ti it into James Comey especially when you had Merrick Garland come up and.
Fin the Fbi these I make are you are you serious like the leaker for the Fbi was James Comey and he admitted it so the the big question Josh is how does it get fixed.
There there has to be significant reform I'm not talking about. Oh we're going to have you know we're going to have an oversight panel. You know, stay. Ah, whatever, we're going to. You know, empower the oversight panel. We're going to have some new oversight. There has to be a culling of the herd. Um, there has to be some force retirements. There has to be people who go to jail I'm talking about people in the Fbi this you know some of the senior leadership has to go to jail yeah, no, you're a hundred percent church committee. 100% there needs to be a a church committee level. You know, look at this and then significant reform and and we've kind of talked about it. The first thing I would do I would strip the Fbi of as intelligence authorities that the worst thing that we ever did. Was give the Fbi a law enforcement agency intelligence authorities the absolute dumbest thing that we ever did but we did it back in a time when guess what you know americans are scared and when we're scared we make emotional decisions and when people make emotional decisions 10 times out of 10 they are the wrong decision 100% um, the other interesting part of the whitmer case was the Fbi agent who's running this right? The guy behind the scenes guy named Jason Chambers he has his you know talker talked about he has a side company.
Right? His his security company. This is side hustle and all throughout 2020 this company's Twitter profile is tweeting information. That's not publicly available. So what does that? do. That shows people hey dude this security company's got folks on the inside. They're connected or you know they know what they're doing so I should go hire them right? and this guy is driving. He's driving everything where he wants it to go and he's pocketing money. And he's making cash off of this on the side. Yeah, again, that's a great point. He went back. He created artificial demand. Um, you know and and benefited from it just like we talked about at the beginning with the you know and looked at in his blog post yesterday with the environmental piece. It's. The Fbi and people act like yeah, it's also people and you know even some conservative folks were like yeah man, the Fbi's really changed. You know it really is a no it has it. The Fbi has not changed the Fbi targeted the black panthers. The Fbi targeted Martin Luther King Jr the Fbi has targeted and done targeted americans and done dirty shit for for decades now this is not new. It is a systemic problem. It is baked into that organization and the only way you can get rid of it is through significant reform I am talking about significant emotional events to where you.
Burn that agency to the ground you come out you strip it of all its authorities. You basically fire. You know anybody above gs 12 and you start over that that is the only way to reform this and that is the only way to put people on notice. That this kind of nonsense will not be tolerated. It will not be You have some good folks in the in in the Fbi. You really do there are a lot of good folks out there in the trenches you know working every day and they are doing great things for the country and there are folks out there in the Fbi that will. Do the right thing but the senior leadership is it. It is rotten it is rotten to the core and I hope I hope whoever the republican nominee is and 2024 runs and 1 of you know runs on one of their things is that they will bring significant reform to not only the Fbi but to all of these agencies now I'm talking ah I'm talking to Atf you know the the department of health and human services. Yeah, the cia everything. Because it is just it has gotten to the point where people have gotten too used to violating the constitution and they're super comfortable with it and nobody's been held. Nobody's been held to count nobody has been held accountable at all and if you have no accountability then people are absolutely 100% going to lose trust in the system.
And then you're going to start you, you're going to get those those instances you're you know you're going to have your ruby ridges you're going to have more wacos. You know you're going to have you know more of what you had out west you know with the bundys um I believe that was you know easter in Oregon you know people have zero faith right now in a lot of the government institutions. And it's not because people are extremists. It's not because you know people hate the country. It's because these institutions have done it to themselves and they continue to do it to themselves every single day and just you know to to drive that point home and then I'll I'll pass it over to Luke. Guess who guess where the Fbi special agent in charge of the whitmer investigation guess where that guy wound up in charge of the January six investigation
The I mean this is a this is this is Tv shows crap just and I mean it's amazing. It's truly amazing and they're doing it in open. they're not that's ah they're not scared they're not worried about it. They do it in the open because they know they're not going to be held accountable and. It's just a dude it. It is absolutely insane and it's maddening maddening beyond belief. Yeah.
Pimp Daddy 3000
Well, let me tell you some Johnny Utah and Angelo Pappas would be rolling over in their graves right now because Johnny Utah and Angelo Pappas are not those kind of Fbi agents Josh I agree with you 100% that there are a lot and I'd say I'd say the majority. I'd say the vast majority of Fbi people are true believers ah with carrying a mortgage with a couple kids in school and ah I'm so I'm sorry Roger you're gonna have to do that I can't clean up your mess I'm sorry but back. Back to the thing. Ah sorry Rogers giving me that look is that look Youtube check it out. That's the look Roger gives if looks to kill brother. But yeah, the majority of of Fbi agents are are good. People. True believers. Good americans who have sworn to know if they really believe it. But they're also carrying a mortgage. They've got 3 kids in school. Ah you know wife is maybe working. Maybe not, they don't they don't know what to do? So if we have any Fbi guys listening to this. You know be the solution from the inside be the solution. Ah, don't be part of the Peter Struck problem which they trotted him out on Cnn and Msnbc to tell everybody you should. You should really trust the Fbi. You should really trust the Fbi I cheated on my wife I told her I was you know I cheated on my wife I told my mistress to impress her.
Pimp Daddy 3000
That I was going to overthrow the you know Trump you know we're going to make sure it doesn't happen. It's pathetic. You know and our our boy Jason the 3 of us know Jason I said the other day that that guy this guy is a current Fbi Guy he wants to be. Peter Struck when he grows up I know this guy fairly well and he's an absolute piece of garbage and that's that's the kind of Fbi agent I don't want period. That's that's just that's all I say about that and I guarantee you there's more than one Jason's in the Fbi. So there you go libel loss. So yeah, Josh you know overhauling ah the law enforcement branch of the federal government all under the doj hundred percent behind you on that and I believe that any politician that doesn't do that is making a big mistake.
Pimp Daddy 3000
I think that if you said you know what we've got a problem with the Fbi. Ah you can approach it from both sides you can say we've got a problem with the fbi Democrats you got screwed over when James Comey came out and said what he said. Ah, two days before the election or whenever whatever it was ah 2 or three days. Maybe it was a week before republicans you've gotten screwed over this you know because of you know Trump and this and that and russian collusion and and Peter Struckz and the and the the the the crazy. Ah. I can't remember the name of the file. What was the name of the file Josh the ah the the yeah the steel Dossier. You know you can approach it from both angles and say hey look this this apparatus that is being operated by the department of justice is screwing both parties.
You know about the steele dossier. Yeah.
Your daier.
Pimp Daddy 3000
So we're going to fix it and by the way we're also going to put an immediate stop to the eighty seven thousand new irs agents or Irs Personnel you know anybody who doesn't run on that is a moron is an absolute moron. You know we've gotten a lot of flak on a. Ah, Facebook and and and Twitter over over all this stuff and it's amazing. How many people love the irss all the sudden roger I mean I just couldn't believe it and I want to thank you for putting that post out there because I had no idea there were this many people who love the Irs. It's just it's insane I don't get it. So. Reform man absolutely all the way across and I really do think Ben I think it's Dis sansis his time I really do Christina Pushhaw who we I don't even know I'd pronounce her last name push a what a w I say pushhaw I mean she? ah. Got out of the of the office of the governor communications and she went to work for his campaign so that tells me that he is thinking about running and I really think that this guy if he steps outside the box a little bit and says you know it tries to appeal to. Both sides not just the republicans. But both sides look what Chris Cuomo came out or was it I think it was Chris Cuomo came out and said this this rate on Trump is wrong I think ah was a Bill Barr came out and said yeah this isn't right? It's like have people sent something's going on here.
Pimp Daddy 3000
So let's I'm not asking for a centrist candidate I'm not asking for a populist candidate I'm asked for a candidate who's going to try to find some kind of middle ground and appeal to those people on the left side of the aisle that aren't quite sure what's going on right now. So yeah I kind of. I don't know when on a little die tribe right? there so roger you said ah can I give a cleaner background of the trial I don't I I really don't know what you're talking about the trial. Oh oh the whitmer trial. No I can't give it cleaner I think you you summed it up actually pretty good. Um. But thoughts on I mean I don't know if we want to bring it back to mar-a-lago I think it's it's kind of crazy how the gesticulations I love that word. Gesticulation. The gesticulations that are going on ah in the media. The mainstream media msnbc Cnn ah, the view. All this stuff. These people are just jumping at everything well he had nuclear codes. Well he wasn't supposed to have them. But at first it was the national archives and it's like man they are just jumping on everything and it's like so we got the ah we we haven't had the Affidavit. So so what would you like to see what do you think. We as american people are owed to see from the department of justice to justify this search of a former president of the United States home
It's tough because if there truly is something serious or if there's a there there your owed an explanation but at the same time if there is a there there and he's so high profile I don't I don't know you're you're able to keep that under wraps. You owe some explanation. Talk about the affidavit I don't know how deep you can go into that and as far the doj is already got it? No, we don't release any of that stuff because here's the reality of it. He didn't have any nuclear code. You've got all these people talk about and I don't know I'm just common sense right. Hey he had nuclear codes that apparently weren't changed when Joe Biden and and and I guess that's all you need right? It's just the code. You don't need anything else. You just need the codes to to launch nukes and I guess we didn't change those in the last eighteen months so the Fbi waited eighteen months to come raid because he had nuclear so clearly it wasn't that wasn't it. Ah. The door was double locked or however is locked at the request of the archives in Gsa. They're the ones who told him hey yeah, you kind of need to secure this stuff so they provided some type of approval and all of a sudden. Everybody's security experts I'd say hey go read executive order one 2 3 5 six talks about classification declassification original classification authority as the president when he's in office can pretty much declassify anything and and I listen to Fox News and they talk about well yeah, there was a process and this and that.
No, if he's the president currently serving. He is the process. There is nothing saying he's got to Mark anything now should he absolutely should probably say hey here's 15 twenty documents I'm submitting. We're going to declassify these things. Whatever whatever the case may be but the fact is he has that authority. All of a sudden we have all these experts out there and there's believe me, let me put my put my c I hat back on you know I don't know a lot about a lot that goes on in the world like some of these things like yeah, you know what we're pretty well versed in this stuff now I don't know and I'm not privy to everything the guy obviously had and what they took and. And now you're starting to see a lot of ah you know a lot of rhetoric that comes out well he had this he had like what was so important that he had that they waited eighteen months what was so important that he had that the Fbi had to go down there because now there's reporting that they went down there when he wasn't there.
Because they expected they were just going to get in and out and nobody would know any different. So yeah, we're just going to send 30 Fbi agents to go raid mar-a-lago and I don't know and and you hear Cnn talk about? Well it's it's not a ra center. What would you call that with 30 agents 30 Fbi agents showing up at six o'clock in the morning with weapons kicking doors down breaking the locks What do you call that. Because if that's not a raid then I don't know what a raid is okay I mean it's so funny because the thresholds are so different between insurrections and raids right? you can send 30 Fbi agents down there hacking into hacking into safe and kicking doors down and you know that's not a raid January Sixth was an insurrection. So. So one I think for something that that is that high profile and obviously never been done before like that like the way it was done the americans are are owed an explanation and I think immediately because now that it's coming out and again this is just in the news. So I don't have any firsthand knowledge of this. But. Merrickt gard apparently had this for had this request for two weeks and sat on it for two weeks right why did it take him so long. What's the there or there. What's the smoking gun there because it takes you all the way back to the Russia Russia Russia all you heard from the democrats for how long was oh. We've got the evidence we've got the evidence that's right up there where Josh saying he's got show notes and and an outline for for today's episode okay ai n't happening we know by 96 episodes that that's not happening I know by the two years of Russia Russia Russia actually you notice how they coincide.
Maybe Josh has got something to do with their russian hoax. It's not there I don't believe it anymore because that's all we heard day after day. He even had what's his name Brennan come out my sources tell me right? and then he had to finally come out. Yeah, my my sources were wrong. What no shit. No kidding because everything you guys have put out. It has been wrong. So I think they owe us some type of explanation something to back it up but I don't think they have it I think it's all political because here's the deal if I'm and and Josh I yeah, kind of curious on your opinion on this but it's like catching your kids right. Like if I dude if I've got veden this is why this is why Luke wants the dagu transcripts for for our shows so he can go back and and gurle all that crap and search. But if I know I'm in the right and I have the evidence to back it up. Dude that's a smoking gun. Which is what I think you need to go into a former president's home I'm coming out like hey we've got the goods. This is what do you think we? what he did we have ah we have the evidence to support this and we're going to trial this. There's been nothing even filed yet. There's no criminal charges now. Kjp put out and I think Josh was the one who brought up the other day that they brought out. You know, criminal investigation and then kjp if you look at it was the Monday because of the raid was like on a Friday or Saturday or whatever it was and then Monday I didn't put 2 and 2 together into a Josh said it she came out and said ah you know we don't talk about matters. You know criminal investigation this and that.
Like oh so it's it's a criminal investigation now huh wonder what the charge is kind of curious about that. But going back to what Josh was saying and what Luke was saying what the the Fbi it not only needs to undergo, serious and massive reform. But there also needs to be transparency. You guys remember article 15 S article 15 s right? So if you screw up in the army and I know Luke had a couple of them and and Josh probably had more than a couple but you know basically you get in trouble more than a counseling statement more than a slalin verse like it's the it's the high school this is gonna go on your permanent record. Okay that that's what the article 15 was and. Article 15 part of that was you had to post it publicly and the reason for that was one you crush all the rumors but you don't want it being out. You know. You don't want it getting out that people are doing things illegally or having disciplinary issues this and that that are going unpunished or unaddressed and I think with the Fbi that's kind of what you need and not just the Fbi It's all the that's what pisses me off but about everything it's the transparency. There should be transparency there I should be able to see reforms happening hey this guy got punished for doing this that stuff needs to be made public and I don't care if you're left side right? side the aisle because Luke said it. They've screwed the the left just as much as they have the right, but there is no transparency in my in my eyes. It's so different than what we were brought up when we dealt with in the military.
There there were so much oversight over us and heaven forbid. You did something wrong. There's supposed to be oversight with the Fbi I don't know where it is I don't see it so I'll ask Josh when you go back to the mara lago raid with with Trump like. What does the department of justice and what does the Fbi owe us and what could possibly be that big that they waited eighteen months to rate his house and then not release anything. So.
I I don't know you know it's like you said there's one There's so much information out there right now you know it's ah it's Contradictory. It's conflicting. You know, nobody's knows kind of you know, everybody's trying to suss out the truth. Um, and. Yeah there's no transparency the narrative keeps changing because you know like you said at first it was like oh my god he's got the nuclear codes and it's like really so we waited eighteen months and we use the national archives as the you know to to predicate going and getting you know retrieving the. The nuclear launch codes that doesn't set now man that that doesn't sound right? and then it came down. It was like well they weren't stored properly. Oh they weren't stored properly. Okay, so. If they weren't stored properly then that means that he was authorized to have them but he just wasn't storing them properly. But you said he wasn't authorized that they would they were stolen so which one is it right? Just so who who knows what the truth is and that you know the passports. Trump's like hey they took my passports and the Fbi came back and said what? no or no I'm sorry the Fbi didn't say that so anyway the white house said its like well no, it was on Twitter I don't know if it was kjp or what they were like no no passports were taken and then what was it 2 3 days later two days later hey we gave him his passports back hey like.
Well, you just said 48 hours ago you didn't take them so which is it and it it just it goes back to what we were talking about a little while ago you have a problem with trust the american people do not trust you based on you know. Based on the 2016 you know Russia Russia Russia with you know with you guys targeting Trump you lied on you lied about the Fisa warrant to justify the surveillance of Carter page and oh by the way Klein Smith the the Fbi guy who did that who intentionally lied. Was convicted guess what Dc has restored him to good standing and he is now allowed to go back and you know do his do his duties. He didn't even finish out his parole time that. They handed down as his punishment didn't even have to finish that to full term and you wonder why people have a trust issue with your agency if the Fbi had Trump dead to rights release the affidavit at this point I want to see the affidavit the warrant I don't care about the warrant. Right? You know everybody was like oh I want to see the warrant. The warrant got the warrant that the warrant's not going to tell you anything the warrant's a bunch of legally speak that you know it's like you're going to search. You know this room and the contents therein but blah blah blah. That's not going to tell you anything the affidavit is going to tell you what that warrant was predicated on.
That's what you want to see and if they had Trump dead to rights you could redact the affidavit to protect your sources and methods and let everybody see that damn thing and what you use to once again, once again, target him because. It's we're at the point now that we're going after former. Yeah we're going after former presidents with an organization that has very little trust with the american people and if you really if if Merrick Garland was concerned about transparency if Joe Biden was concerned about transparency they would release that affidavit you know, ah yesterday it just but they don't because you know why they don't want that affidavit released because they know it's bullshit. They know it was predicated upon something so thin that no no federal judge would have been like yeah man, you guys are good. Go go do it? What do they do? They went to Florida and they got a magistrate judge. To sign off on that warrant and guess who that magistrate judge used to be a personal attorney for Jeffrey Epstein you can't make this shit up when people I'm telling you guys.
The the difference between a conspiracy Siri and the truth is about ninety days now you can't I mean just everybody's like oh you're crazy. You don't know what you're talking about. It's the twenty Twenty like oh these crazy people these conspiracy theorists are talking about natural immunity. What is that it's dangerous. It's gonna get people hurt. It's like oh wow look at that natural immunity is actually a thing you know 2 years you know two years later wow no shit
They actually have a picture of him with Gizzlyne Maxwell on an airplane with a plastic bottle of early times right.
Pimp Daddy 3000
No, no, no, no, no that that was ah that was a photoshop thing I know I know the one you're talking about that that that was actually Epstein or Epstein and somebody photoshop that that in there. Yeah i.
Was that fake news did I just put out fake news I put out fake news.
No Luke gotcha.
Pimp Daddy 3000
Not well. No, you didn't put it out. You no you you put out something you saw and we got 3 fact checkers here and I had actually looked at that photo because she's got her boob all over his ah foot I was like I swear I've seen this picture before because I remember boobs on feet. There's 1 thing I remember it's boobs on feet people.
We so we just found Luke's kink and.
Pimp Daddy 3000
Sorry mom. Ah so yeah, gross. Ah so I looked that up Roger I actually looked that up and yeah, that was photoshopped and and they actually called out ah 1 of the one of Tucker Carlson's subs Tucker Carlson was out last week um vacation and 1 of his sub subs put that up there and was saying this is sure and he got he got dragged over that because it was photoshop so you can look that up Josh 1 of the thing one of the things you were saying that the passports you know we didn't take the passports. Well we did take the passports to return of I was remind of a. Ah, fast times ridge aboutt high Jeff Split Coley make up yourre behind dude is he goingnna shit or is it gonna kill us. You know it's like the hill so one of the things that I find ah but 1 of the things one of the many things I find disturbing. About this whole thing is the Biden administration saying oh we didn't know anything about this we we we knew nothing about this and like how is that a good answer either. You did or you didn't and if you didn't know anything about it. That means the doj is rating the residents of a former president United States if you did know about it. You're lying in saying that you didn't now I'll give you know Obama some credit here you know with the whole comey thing and you know with with Hillary Clinton ah
Pimp Daddy 3000
And you know the whole meeting on the tarmac with Bill Clinton Obama was doing some tap dancer back then and did he make the right call I don't know maybe maybe not but he was trying to show some semblance of. Impartiality not doing a good job of it. But this is on another level and it it really makes me think and I've done some soul searching on this It's like god I could go down so many roads on this like Josh is saying the Fbi is. Displaying a certain level of ineptness that is disconcerting at a very deep level because if they do have the goods on Donald Trump if they really do. They're handling it all wrong because like Rachel Maddow said the night or the morning after that. That mara lago was rated. She's like this is the morning you're goingnna want to pick up the newspaper because this is historical. Well, that would be the natural reaction. It's like this is goingnna turn into something and we're gonna have a former president go to jail I need to pick up this newspaper because this is gonna be framed someday. You know like dumb and dumber who knew a man on the moon you know, ah it. But this is going to turn into a big nothing burger because no one's even thinking about it anymore look at the headlines look at the headlines all over the place. No one's talking about this It's rush rush Russia again like both of you guys have said earlier.
Pimp Daddy 3000
Ah, it's disconcerting it's disconcerting I think I think Roger has more to say on it. Um I'm just amazed at the absolute horrible state of things right now between the doj. President. Ah the office all this stuff I just don't I don't know what to think about it now I'm kind of all over the place. But I said I I've been thinking about this a lot. It's like at what point do you handle things with a former president. Because we we were supposed to revere the office right? I think everybody's kind of leaving that in in the pat you know in in the rearviewme we're supposed to revere the office you know old Dick Nixon old tricky Dick you know he was chased out of office ah and and for good reason.
Pimp Daddy 3000
He was doing stuff that he shouldn't have been doing but at what point does a president. You know a former president do something he probably shouldn't have done and you just kind of handle that you know, not, you don't you don't sweep it under the rug but it's like let we need to handle this with with a little bit of grace. So that. The office of the president isn't besmirged and this is you know I don't know you know everyone is equal under the law or at least they should be um, but this is one of the reasons I I disagree sometimes we get in the arguments about well we need to use their tactics. We just use those same tactics because they're playing dirty. We need to play dirty this is where I draw the line man I don't think we need to be playing dirty like this on our side. It's just this is wrong. We don't need to be going after our political enemies and weaponizing the department of justice and the Fbi so Roger I know you have more to say on it. But. Would you say knowing what you know about getting a getting a 4 year degree and getting a teaching certificate. Would you say that an e five honorably discharged with 7 years of service has more teaching experience than a first year schoolteacher.
I see now you're just trying to piss me off. Yeah, this is one of the things that gets under. It gets under my skin because now you've got people in Florida so long story short. There's ah, a lot of states out there. There. There's a teacher shortage right? Just like everything else. There's a baby formula shortage. There's a tampon shortage. There's. You know show note shortage or there's everything so teachers there there there is a teacher shortage so a lot of states are having to get creative I think some states are going to Ford I think it's Texas right? That's doing a ah a four day school week. I think Florida is allowing vets that have a degree to go into teaching without necessarily having a teacher certification arizona they basically said that hey if you've got a 4 year degree you're good to go that type of stuff right? And now you've got all the teachers that are pissed off and teacher supporters. here's here's the thing so one do you think that teachers unions had anything to do with the teacher shortage going on right now. Yeah, just a little bit right? and I can't wait for him to be sued. Ah, totally off topic sort of kind of.
A hundred percent
What was the 1 lawsuit with the vaccine mandates I think it's up in Minnesota Michigan Health Care Workers sued because of the vaccine mandate and they won and they won more that's gonna come out. That's hey airlines teachers unions heads up man. It's coming. It's coming.
Yeah, yeah, a 1
But when you look at the shortest of teachers and when you look at what states are doing to try to fill that one of the things are veterans and it reminds me of ah and I've got my own beef with veterans. Obviously we're all veterans sometimes I think I like to hold us to a higher standard and I think a lot of times with veterans. I understand the benefits that we all receive while we were in I understand the benefits that we have now that we're out and I think that there's a lot of people that do not take advantage of those benefits while they're in serving their country and then they complain about their situation when they get and I have a problem with that. Maybe it's just so close to me and I think that you should be proactive in your own own life and career. What have you But besides that I actually side with the vets on this because now you got all these teachers come out and pooping on the vets. They're not qualified to teach. They're not certified to teach Josh said it best the other day he's been teaching his damn kids for the last two years god you know god help him. Yeah I think you know whether he was a vet or not a vet or whatever I mean he was a war officer. There's probably a little bit of a gap there but outside of that he's had to teach his kids for the last two years because teachers wouldn't teach them. Oh you were good to teach for 2 years and again, that's this has got nothing to do with being a veteran it does but in his case. You shut down the schools for a lot of these places who else was supposed to teach them. Hey guess what? Yeah theyre you're in your they're in your school for a few hours a day who do you think teaches them about the the rest of life. It's the parent and then when you look at a vet what they go through.
I'm not saying you just take any o of it. Oh you were discharged for bad conduct. Let's throw you in the schools which they would probably do just as good as 95% of them just saying because it pisses me off but it's you take a veteran who has a degree read graduated or we went through intelligence School. You've got paralegals. You've got medics. So What? what? Ah you mean?? Ah an r in for the from the army that came out that has 4 years of college it plus ah can't teach like health to you know middle schoolers really hey go through a background check Guess what.
The government's already got their Dna like I don't even understand what you know it kind of it's so funny because so I'm applying for my my teacher's certification I hear a substitute teaching and it's ah yeah I had to go back to and get my fingerprints done I'm just like you've got my fingerprints from my clearance. You've got my fingerprints for my cc w. The federal government literally has my Dna. Why am I going back to do fingerprints again. Anyway, it just pisses me off because I can't think of anybody who is more qualified but not even the qualification somebody who gives a shit. Because that's my problem with the teachers and I know we have some good teachers out there all right? So I know we've got some relatives that are teachers and some and you know who they are these are people that actually care my my son I've told the story when he broke like half the bones in his body years ago. He had a teacher that came to the house three days a week and she was here 4 five six hours teaching him. All the subjects she was a former principal and she was complaining now one she was doing this on her own and then at first you know I was like yeah you're being paid over time yada yeah she's like not as much as you think you know my son generally speaking is is a good kid sometimes is a turd but you know majority of time. He's a good kid. Teachers like hey he's got a good heart I want to help him graduate. You know it's his his junior year senior whatever and heck it was junior year. Ah so she came over and did this stuff and and she gave him better instruction than I've probably witnessed throughout 10 years of his schooling.
Because all the teachers I've interacted with with him through parentteach conferences going there taking them to places this and that they all suck. They didn't care and I've had three kids go through the public schooling system public education system to so to say hey veteran that you've got a desired skill set. That maybe you have a degree. Maybe you don't that you have a clean background that you actually had the motivation to come in. We did the episode I can't remember the the number on the top of my head but it was like 60% of teachers don't even want to be in the school. Maybe it's 50 fifty sixty percent teachers don't even want to be there so you take a vet who's willing to go through all that stuff. To say. Okay I'm qualified to be a teacher that wants to go there that person is motivated to be ah, what do you think about the level of instruction they're gonna get and that they're gonna receive I guarantee. It's better than anything they've got in the last two years for the most part and again I get it 5% of the teachers out there. Really really do give a crap I know teachers out there. That they're using their own paychecks to to supplement classroom supplies and this and that but it's almost like from the teacher's point of view because I haven't heard any veterans groups actually come forward and and say 1 thing or another. But for the teachers. It's almost like there's a battle of the underappreciated right because vets were underappreciated for years. And then teachers were under the problem with the teachers is that hey man, you need to wake up, you need to wake up and realize that the teachers unions are not helping you It's not so much that people hate teachers or dislike teachers or again there are some bums out there. It's the teachers unions.
And when you look at the impact they had on the covid policy of the United States which by the way I accept the apology from wolinsky in the Cdc when they came out and basically said hey yeah, the last two years we were kind of wrong. We're going to reorganize. But it pisses me off. It's like teachers wake up hey the unions are screwing you Josh can teae off on the unions. Yeah, he does it every couple weeks I agree 100% on that stuff. But why not have a veteran who's like hey I've got a skill set I'm educated I have a clean background I have some vested interest in my community. Maybe I want to go substitute. Maybe I just want to go teach I can teach math I can teach english why not I don't know Josh what do you think vets ah vets' teachers. Good idea, bad idea.
I think it's a fantastic idea with you know with theipulations like you said yeah, you're dishonorably dischargeed or you know youre you know you're a dirt bag. Yeah, you don't get to be. You don't get to be a teacher we already have enough teachers who are dirt bags. You know I've got family members. You know who are who are teachers my wife used to be a teacher. And you know again much like the you know like we said about the Fbi there are good teachers out there. Um, but again the senior levels and the unions are completely screwed them. Ah, you know you take a look the national teachers union look how hard they fought. To keep schools closed in 2020 2021 they fought it they fought it hard and so what did that do kids were at home. Well who taught the kids for 2 years parents did I'm not qualified I don't have I don't have the. Teaching certificate that you know says okay, you can go teach. You know you can go teach school I can't even go teach kindergarten our first grade without you know that certificate so I can't I can't teach kids shapes and colors and what one plus one equals to like I'm not I'm not qualified to do that. Are you serious well teachers fought to keep schools closed teachers usually just fought to keep schools closed. They wentt late on the beach for 2 years who taught the kids the parents did luckily I have a wife who's like a hundred times smarter than I am and is college educated.
You know formerly college educated and has you know teaching certificate and all that stuff you know so I mean she you know she obviously did the lion share of it. Especially since you know all our all our kids are you know, high schoolers and you know my math capability stop at about third grade. Um, so you know as a vet like I wouldn't be the one that you know you would probably want teaching. Anywhere past third grade. But I think it's a great idea you know, just you can't sit there and say we want schools closed because it's unsafe for me to go to work because I might get covid those kids need to stay home. You know the the frustrations that my kids went through. When you know we were all you know, stuck at home for for covid was they would have a question on a subject they would email their teacher. It would be 3 or 4 days before they would get a response from their teacher but in the meantime that assignment is due is due you know is due today well that really doesn't help when your teacher is non-responsive probably because they're late on a beat somewhere. Um you know and now you're going to turn around and you're upset because somebody's coming in to take your job. This is like new this is like when like when Reagan fired all the air traffic controllers. Yeah, you want to protest you don't you don't want to work you want to go on strike for some bullshit. Not a problem. You got a job I got it I got a dozen other people ready to take your job and teachers are now realizing hey the economy slowing down the music's about to stop and there's not going to be any chairs left.
And you know they're all upset. Oh well, you know now we're supposed to revere teachers after they spent the last two years shitting on kids not doing their job and all of a sudden now we're supposed to hope you know, put them on a pedestal get out of here and you talk about you know the veterans right. Think about how much training we went through take up about all the people that we trained on how to do some very complex jobs in some very difficult situations in some very bad places you think about that. Yeah can I teach a kid you know about us history your damn skippy. We're talking about the 3 branches of government baby. This is what we're like this is I think it's a great idea. Um, you know when you think about what some veterans have done think about think about those company great officers those company grade ncos. Who were out there in pika province in Afghanistan you know basically conducting us policy with you know afghanis establishing us policy with afghanis and they're out there coordinating the building of basically villages right? You know. They're coordinating hundreds of thousands of dollars millions of dollars of work they're coordinating all these things and then you're gonna turn around and be like no, you're not qualified to teach second grade get out of here. You dude get out of here that is that's a whole.
Bunch of nonsense. Oh you're absolutely you dude you are a hundred percent right you are a hundred percent right what of the first things that we're doing in us history when I'm teaching it taxation is theft I'm bringing it a whole bunch of boxes of lippedtont bags and we're going to the nearest lake and we're throwing that shit in there done. Ah.
Ah, school swimming pool school swimming pool.
Ah, there to go what school do you go to that hasn us let me pull you rich at you you rich M effort. What's school you get what you grew up in a school with a swim pool.
Pimp Daddy 3000
Yeah, exactly that past? well it is It is the Patche junction.
So you know I didn't even split my would school up in Ohio by the nuke plant and those that for me or that area will will know where I'm talking about but the nuke plant like paid for everything like paid all your utilities because you live by a nuke plant or whatever. Dude, there are like 64 people in this school and they had an olympic size swimming pool all right and turf like heated drain football field I you know they had a football team I don't even know if they had enough kids to field a football team but the new plants like you know it's the least that we can do i.
Pimp Daddy 3000
Pimp Daddy 3000
So Roger I got a question for you. What is the failure rate for basic training.
You can't be that great I mean you probably have what five ten percent fail and I'm looking from from reception all the way on right because you're gonna and and not just I should love that in. It's not just failure I mean you get people.