C3 Episode 96 Unedited Transcript Part 3

Pimp Daddy 3000
Five ten percent I would say 5 just based on my experience.
Get deqed because of background check yada yadda yadda. But yeah I'd say 5 five ten percent max
Pimp Daddy 3000
So so so so like once they make it to basic training. What's it. What's that Josh so what is that 15% that seems high.
Try fifteen I just looked it up is 15%
Okay, so for the record those 15% I did not put any of those kids in the army every one of my kids graduated. So.
Pimp Daddy 3000
Ah I I'm just I I would believe from maps ah to graduating basic training I would buy that that's 15% but like just just based on the class I went through back in the late ninety. S.
Pimp Daddy 3000
I think it was more like 5% so that's completely anecdotal I get it now when you when you factor ait into that which is your advanced training where you're learning how to do the job you signed up for I'd say the recidivism over recidivism I'd say I'd say the failure rates probably a little bit higher. I would take that up to 15% but those people get reclassified into other jobs that might be a little bit more menial a little bit more easy like ah truck driver eighty eight Mike for instance, so all I'm saying is this folks. It's like look at the failure rate for. University to get a 4 year degree to get a teaching certificate to be a school teacher look I'm not pooping on anybody here all I'm saying is veterans aren't necessarily all heroes. Okay. Ah, you know, 85 to 90% of the population can be can get in to be a soldier sailor airmen whatever they call coast guards and space force people. Anybody can do that it doesn't make you a hero getting that you know qualification. It also doesn't make you a hero getting a teaching certificate all I'm saying is I equate the 2 it's like anybody can be a teacher anybody with a brain can be a teacher anybody with a brain can be a veteran. It's like or a soldier Whatever and get honorably discharged and then be a veteran. It's just like.
Pimp Daddy 3000
Stop thinking that you are the the bomb because you're a teacher. You're a veteran. Oh say you know I agree with both you'll on what you were saying as far as you know your experiences you know teaching soldiers complex tasks and things like that. But go back to. Ah. They don't even call it Bnoc and Anoc Anymore. What was the one before Bno back when we were in the day the one you have to do to be an E Five P Ldc So so P Ldc right? I mean PLdc I mean come on, you are teaching you.
P O D c.
Oh that was um, Yale Dc yeah.
Pimp Daddy 3000
It's four weeks or six weeks or whatever it was of straight up teaching. That's what it was. It's six weeks of teaching morons to do tasks and not that I'm saying kids are morons but let's be honest man Third graders are kind of morons. They they really are and i. I do think that you know maybe a two or three week ah certification something free of charge for veterans who want to go teach Ah yeah, you know, get them that certification in Florida Texas it's state dependent totally but man have the you know. We we have a teaching shortage's like both. You guys said it's like what better population to pull from than vets I agree with both y'all I really do I'll say this from from you know my personal experience. Um, my personal experience says this any teacher. I listen to complain because teachers and soldiers both complain. That's another thing they both have in common. They complain any teacher who is complaining about students or parents is a bad teacher period every single good teacher. Wendy Kurt Elizabeth Emily Russell they complain a lot too. They don't complain about the students. They don't complain about the families. They complain about the administration they complain about the school administration. That's a good teacher. The school administration gets in the way of them.
Pimp Daddy 3000
Teaching the kids the way the kids need to be taught. But when when when teachers start complaining about the kids with the parents do bad teacher period maybe some will surprise me someday but whatever man that's the way I feel about it roger you feel differently you you like you like Peter Strzok when I said Peter Struck earlier I saw you kind of got excited and.
Now because dude all these all these guys and gals are coming out and and of course they're all on like Cnn Msnbc it's right if there were Dan rather like why is he I be well one I can't believe he's actually tweeting because he's got to be like old as frick right now right? Dan rather how old is he like 85
Pimp Daddy 3000
Look that up.
He's going to be old right? You're like Joe Biden age or whatever like come on dude are you really treating about like you know he gets there and talks about honesty and that might Dan rather really like maybe I mean dude use like a pseudonym or something right? I mean come out with a different name or or whatever im that dude is he 90 is he really ninety.
Holy shit. So let's be clear Dan rather is not tweeting anything so that is clearly you know a surrogate or something like that. But.
Dan Rather is so old. He's not even buying green bananas anymore.
Ah, is actually pretty funny but for him to come out. It's all these hypocrites man. It's all these hypocrites and and it's it's actually it's perfect because it's going to lead me to I think you tweeted this earlier Josh where you know 87000 I r agents issued ah, the same weapons of war that american citizens can't have right because that's that's what the left likes to call the ar 15 or or any other you know, armor light rifle. It's a weapon of war. It's a weapon of war. Oh so why does an Irs agent need a weapon of war. Brings them a final thing this here. This is that the well it's not the topping because whatever you think you found the top There's just something else that they just continue to add on to it so everybody knows Britney Grimer you know she's going to do nine and a half years in a russian prison where you know fortunately for her she would not have to hear the us national anthem. She won't have to stand for it. She wouldn't have to take a knee for it because she she just won't hear it if you are on the left and you talk about gun control and this and that and weapons of war you no longer have a leg to stand on. You didn't have one to stand on before because the second amendment says you don't so don't really. Care what? you'd say or or think about that but the administration and I haven't heard what what the I don't know there's just so much fallout from it or what the deal is they were willing to trade among others Victor Bout
Britney Grimes or grimer he is a convicted and known weapons trafficker they made movies about this guy. Okay, so like his nickname was the merchant of war guess what you should go check out the lord of war. Yeah, it was about that guy. He supplied weapons to Sierra Leone sudan Afghanistan and go log Congo Liberia Rwanda. Okay, this dude is responsible for the death of millions and I think I can say I may don't know that but for a fact but I think I can safely say millions.
You think this dude can get me a select fire. Ah weapon I'm be curious. Oh okay.
So we can talk about that once we stop recording? Ah, but you you are willing to sit there and trade this guy for this lady who illegally took drugs through another country.
So he can go back out and supply the rest of the world to go kill a couple more I you know million more people with with weapons and we're not even just talking about like handguns and pistols I mean we're talking about the weapons that that Luke doesn't believe we should be able to have that that you know Josh is why not I want a howwitzer baby. That's what I'm talking about.
I Want to.
So I'll tell you from the left. Yeah, from the left like I don't even want to hear it anymore. You don't even want to hear it anymore the hypocrisy and we talked about this so they were treating about it with the economy because you had Joe Biden lie and and kgp that we had 0% inflation. Okay, that is a flat out lie. I don't even know how you can come out on Tv and say that anybody everybody's like well we don't really have ah 0 but the hypocrisy it kills me and that's all I asked for is a level playing field because I would tell you this I don't care if Donald Trump was in office right now if Donald Trump was in office right now. And we had 8.5% inflation the the one year anniversary of the afghan withdrawal right? Afghanistan withdrawal if that happened with them with the 87000 irs agents with the $700000000000 you know, spending bill with gas prices the way they are the way food prices the way they are with the shortest of it. Because I'll tell you by the way inflation and say they lump everything in together inflation does not count food or fuel. So when they talk about inflation they're talking about the price of everything else this administration and previous administrations. They like to loop lump in. Food and fuel with inflation. That's not part of the inflation rate that's separate because they're so volatile and they can vary from day to day you know week to week. But if things were in the same position now and Trump was president I'd be mf and him to.
Pimp Daddy 3000
And boom.
You know at that point there is my ideas fall along the line of conservatives. But at that point I don't care who the president is hey man we gotta try something different. We gotta try something else and those people that sit there on Twitter they sit there in the social media and they defend president Biden what they are telling you what they are doing is saying. We're happy with the way. Everything is right now we're happy the way Afghanistan turned out. We're happy with the inflation rate we are happy with fuel prices. We're happy with with food shortages. We're happy with labor shortages. We're happy with the crisis at the southern border that's exactly what they're taught they're telling you that they are completely fine. The way things are because right now only 1 party is in charge and you see what's happening and I would say the exact same thing if we had a republican president and a republican control congress. There would be no different. My last thing I'll kick it over to Josh for my ah for his close out.
I have 1 other thing. Ah yeah, Luke actually said it last week. He sum up quotes and I actually wrote this down because I'm becoming a big Tim Scott fan but I was going to do quotes but he did his quote first and then I couldn't do my quote after to this quote because then it look like I'm following him so Tim Scott a failure isn't fatal. If. You don't quit.
Whatever f temp scott done with Tim Scott he came out he supported. He supported the he supported the raid on on mar largo.
Pimp Daddy 3000
And he didn't support it come on. He said let he said let's let this shake out.
Yeah, did he came out he was like well you know I mean yeah, we you know it's just it kind of is what it is.
He said let's find out what's going on because I think like the rest of us were like okay they actually went into it like that's that's an egregious Ac man like hey you want to do this. There's got to be something coming and and nothing came.
whatever whatever Tim Tim Scott's acting like this. The first time he's seen this movie. You ain't new. You ain't new Tim don't act like you're brand new. Whatever.
Well, you know I I am becoming more of a Dan bongino fan because I because he's hyped up right? It's a lot of lot of rhetoric and a lot of hyperbole. Whatever but he said the other day he goes and he was I think he was saying it was quoted from somebody else but he's like. You'll be fine with american politics and understand American Politics Once you understand that half the republicans will vote Democrats but none of the Democrats will vote republican he goes once you understand that you got it.
No no, that's a good point. So anyway, F Tim Scott all right real quick just say a couple shoutouts is is all I got left um a john c up in up in Dc. Thanks for listening. We appreciate it. Can't wait until you until you retire and and we can get you on cause so man I know you got some some stuff to tell about what's been going on up there last couple of years Tyler and meet me up in Virginia really appreciate you guys less than Tyler now promise next time I'm up then Northern Virginia I'll ah I'll link up with you. And it will be same thing for for the ryans real quick. Yeah isaac you guys remember the cajun conservative shoutout to isaac. Thanks for thanks for listening and and real quick I know Luke was Goingnna mention him. But I'm I'm going to go ahead and mention them to the Johnny Juanito man safe travels brother the you enjoy messaging with you earlier today praying for you. Hope you get back safe and and hope you get back soon and man but just what? Ah what? Ah what? a cool dude so that's ah, that's all I got. Ah, until ah, until next time I'll throw it over to Luke can give his closing comments.
Pimp Daddy 3000
Yeah, Johnny. Ah I'll go and say his last name Johnny Buford that guy is 1 of the most interesting dudes I've ever known in my life and we have some plans to try to get him on the show a episodic nature because his story. Ah, he went over to South America before covid broke out and he was there while covid broke out and it is an adventure and John is a very unique character. He is his own man. So we're hoping to get him on and yeah, hope hope John's John listens ah so Tim Scott is ah is not a unique person because if everyone who is dead to Josh is just dead. There's only like 7 of us left on this planet. So Tim Scott you are not unique. Couple shoutouts before I close it out a Eric Eric Schaffer there in Amarillo I appreciate you listening. He's he's got a business that we covered back when Hersel Jericho was on the show and Eric thanks for listening man I really appreciate it and we'll plug your business going forward and russell camp. Ah, Russell Camp's got a new book coming out or it's it's not coming out. It is out. It's called across the fence from Roy check it out on amazon.com across the fence from Roy I'm telling you especially if you're from Texas especially you will appreciate this book. But even if you're not from Texas.
Pimp Daddy 3000
This book's got a lot of truth in it. Go and check it out. It's I loved it. I loved it from cover to cover. It's just ah, a folksy good book. There need to be more books like this out there. Ah for with Rogers Spyglass Hill hat on his c I hat. Ah, Josh is a hipster hat. Whatever he's got on with his city sports. We really appreciate y'all listening until next time keep her canteen cups full and tightly secured.