Culper's Quick Takes: June 10th, 2022 Edition

Washington Examiner – “Gaetz: Would rather trim Pelosi's 'toenails with my teeth' than dine with Schiff”
If I had to read that headline, so do you.
Los Angeles Times – “A California man’s journey to kill Justice Kavanaugh ended with a desperate plea”
Translation: Would-be terrorist assassin is the victim.
Forbes – “Inflation Unexpectedly Spiked 8.6% In May—Hitting 40-Year High As Gas Prices Surge Again”
We’re a broken record….Unexpected to whom? (See Exhibit A)
Political Wire – “Most Expect Inflation to Get Worse”
This is Exhibit A.
The Hill – “Janet Yellen dismisses Cardi B’s recession prediction: ‘Don’t look to me to announce it’”
On a scale of 1 to Clown World, we are sitting comfortably at John Wayne Gacy.
CNN – “Starbucks may close its bathrooms to the public again”
As if we needed another reason to never visit Starbucks.
Washington Post – “Why Black people are afraid of ‘crazy’ White people”
I’m white as the wind driven snow, and crazy white people scare the ever-loving sh** out of me. Common ground.
KCBS Radio – “Karine Jean-Pierre: The Economy is in a Better Place Than it Has Been Historically”
Gaslight [gas·light] (noun / verb gerund or present participle: gaslighting): psychological manipulation of a person usually over an extended period of time that causes the victim to question the validity of their own thoughts, perception of reality, or memories and typically leads to confusion, loss of confidence and self-esteem, uncertainty of one's emotional or mental stability, and a dependency on the perpetrator.
Daily Wire – “Obama Campaign Manager: ‘Dumb S***’ AOC Is Doing Could Cost Democrats The House”
Political Wire – “Sen. Kennedy on Gas Prices: 'It'd Be Cheaper to Buy Cocaine and Just Run Everywhere'”
In the sage words of philosopher Dave Chappelle: “Modern problems require modern solutions.”
KXAN – “Texas burglar cuts victim’s grass before fleeing with lawnmower”
Even the thieves in Texas are friendlier.
Freedom Rock Radio – “Lieu stands silently after announcing that he will recite Jesus’s words on homosexuality”
C3 stands silently after announcing that they will recite Jesus’s words on gun control.