Modern Day Democrats and their Red Herring

A large portion of today’s democrats have truly lost sight of what’s important (or at least what SHOULD be important) to most Americans. Their celebration over the recent $354 million (which totals to $464,576.230.62 with interest) civil fraud fine against former President Trump shows they are more concerned with punishing the former president than they are delivering for the American people. Throw in the 91 felony charges and the sexual abuse and defamation convictions against the former president as confirmation of their priorities. Make no mistake about it, there are centralized and decentralized efforts to politically, professionally, and personally ruin the former president.
They are targeting the former president because they know Joe Biden is one of the weakest incumbents in history (that some of us still don’t believe he’ll make it to the election as the nominee) and they just don’t like Trump, personally. Actually, the left truly hates Donald Trump.
I’ve been a supporter of many of Trump’s policies as president, but there is a small part of me that wishes he would go bankrupt and be imprisoned. Just imagine…democrats would party like it’s December 31st 1999, blue cities would literally hold parades celebrating the occasion, and blue states would probably even dedicate a Preserving Democracy holiday. Once all of the confetti stopped falling, the music stopped playing, the booze stopped flowing, and the drag queens stopped dancing with kids, democrats (and unfortunately all of us) would be left to face the harsh reality of the last three years of the Biden administration. Sadly, the democrats will still think they were victorious.
Here’s the reality under the Biden administration:
Total inflation about 17.3%
Gas prices up about 35%
Mortgage rates up from under 3% under Trump to 8% today
Food prices up 20%
Electricity up 25%
Credit Card Interest rates at highest level EVER: (16% vs 24.5% today)
Home prices up 27%
Outside of the numbers, cities are not safer or cleaner, violent crimes are on the rise, the world is not in a more secure and stable state than it was under the Trump administration, there is an invasion at our border, our kids are being poisoned (physically and mentally), and the government is slowly and deliberately trying to erode your God given rights, but hey, GDP is at 3% and Orange Man Bad was convicted, so all is good…right?
Simply put, we cannot afford another four years riding with Biden. We all know he’ll fall off his bike again and we’ll all be left on a frame with no wheels. Remember this when it’s time to vote.